Yesterday's snow kept all but about 8 tailgaters from coming to the York
Springfest, resulting in a rather dissapointing show. I managed to get
an Apple IIe for $2, an IBM Model 25 for $5, and a bunch of manuals
(including some for the IBM System/36), but that was about it.
I got two copies of "IBM Maintenance Library - 3278 Display Station
Models 1,2,3,and 4 Maintenance Information". Anybody want the second one
($5 shipped), or wish to trade for it (intersted in books on interfacing
the Apple II)?
I also purchased a book called "Master Transistor/IC Substitution
Handbook. A GIANT one-stop, easy-to-use manual that gives you commonly
available replacements for over 80,000 U.S. and foreign tranistors and basing diagrams." (c)1977, 517 pages. Looks like it could be
a useful reference, if the the replacement part numbers are still up to
date. If somebody _really_ has a use for this book, let me know.
Tom Owad
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