Message: 1
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 18:12:48 +0100
From: "Antonio Carlini" <arcarlini at>
Subject: RE: lead-free solder
To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'"
When last I looked CPC still had leaded solder for sale.
It is (AFAIK) perfectly OK to purchase and use. Theoretically
there may be some issues if you decide to produce new widgets at
home in order to sell (or even give) them to others, but in practice
I think you'd have to ring the HSE and beg to get them to come round
and prosecute.
Leaded solder is still on sale in the UK, but you cannot use it for new
production, that has to be lead free.
Leaded solder can be used to repair old leaded product which can still be
sold if they are spares for old equipment, that is manufactured prior to the
lead free cut off date. Some processes, product and organisations are exempt
but there are not many.
In practice you would have to get somebody annoyed enough for them to want
to have your product tested for lead as it can be an expensive process.