Eric Smith <eric at> wrote:
Johnny Billquist wrote:
> The only MSCP controller DEC did for Unibus
was to SDI (tha UDA50).
Three others come to mind:
Boy, you are a tough crowd. :-)
RUX50 (M7522) interface to RX50 floppy
I knew about that one, but forgot it. :-)
KLESI-UA (M8739) interface to RC25 disk (or can be
configured for TMSCP
with TU81)
Hmm. I have a couple of those. Didn't know they could drive RX25s
though. Use them for TU81s...
RRD50-U (M7490-YA) interface to RRD50 CD-ROM
Cool. I had missed that one.
You also missed one:
TUK50 (M7547) interface to TK50 for Unibus.
> The only
MSCP to MFM controller DEC did was for Q-bus (the RQDX series).
Though DEC did have
other Q-bus MSCP interfaces for devices other than
the RX50 and RDxx, such as:
KLESI-QA (M7740) interface to RC25 disk (or can be configured for TMSCP
with TU81)
KDA50 (M7165) SDI interface
KFQSA (M7769) DSSI interface
Yeah, there are others as well. TQK50 and TQK70 for instance. And the
RQZX1, which talks both SCSI and floppy.
There are probably others. DEC did a lot more for Q-bus, and more recent...
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol