wondering if there's a way to hack code to get it to copy without
any System Master programs.
Oh, sure. Just take a look at the description of the RWTS
(Read - write - track/sector) routines
in the Apple _DOS 3.3 Manual_. (You know, the one with the Disk ][
and controller schematics.) You could probably come up with a
basic sector duplicator using a dozen lines of BASIC, sprinkled
liberally with PEEKs, POKEs, and CALLs.
I could do it if I was at home, but I don't have all the manuals at
college with me. So, I'm attempting to rely on memory (I'm pretty sure
I've done something like this with RWTS before). I know a lot of
times, instead of using the boring INIT command to format a new disk,
I would use the RWTS version just for kicks.
Too bad you really can't have as much fun with new computers. :)
Andy Brobston brobstona(a)wartburg.edu ***NEW URL BELOW***
My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Wartburg College
as a whole.