On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at mail.msu.edu> wrote:
Recently acquired a VCB02 (thanks again, Ulli!) which
I hope to get running
in my MicroVAX III. ?I'm looking for the cable that connects from the
bulkhead to the monitor, keyboard and mouse (my research has revealed this
to be referred to as "BC18Z-10" in DEC documentation). ?I have a compatible
keyboard, but I'd like to find a mouse as well...
Anyone have one to spare, or know of a decent supplier?
I got a BC18Z a year or so ago from jtcomputer. Listed for $10 currenlty
They also list a VSXXX-AA for $15. Might be able to find the mouse
cheaper elsewhere, but then separate shipping adds up too.