Hard drives turn into bricks if you degauss them
because they need a
That depends o nthe hard drive.
servo track recorded on one track to function. SMD
drives which are the
next older large drive could record with self clocked data, and later 5
1/4 drives such as the first Tulin 40mb drive had
something called
embedded servo which could be restored with a program.
Eh^2 ?
Serco trackign means that the head reads special signals off the disk so
as to determine whether it's off track, and if so, in which direction.
These signals cannont be recorded by a normal drive -- if you think about
it, withotu them the head has no way of follwoign a track or even keeping
a constant distance from the spindle. They are recorced on a special
manufacturing rig, often using some kind of interferometer as the
postiion transducer.
In some cases the servo signals are recorded on their own surface, which
is oot used for user data. For example the DEC RK07 has 2 platters i nthe
cartridge. 3 surfaces are used for data, the list is the servo surface.
All the heads move togehter, it is assumed the drive is mechanically
stable enough to keep the heads correctly postioned relative ot the servo
head. Which these, the dat surfaces can be completely re-written in the
field, the servo surface cannot.
In other cases, the servo is 'embedded' on the data surfaces. There are
bursts of pulses recorded off-track at the start of every sector. The
data heads pick these up, the signal is interpretted by the head
positioning electronics.
Drives with low trcck density sometimes didn't use srrvo trackign at all.
They used absolute head positioning for example usign a stepper motor or
soem kind of position trasducer (I have eeen optical and magnetic ones)
fitted ot the head positioner. With these, the heads can hold a track
independntly of anything on the platter, os a totally erased drive/disk
can be re-used
Most, SMD drives were servo tracked, The demountable ones I've worked on
had a seperate srrvo surface.
Some oelder ST412-interface wincheseters were stepper-motor positioned
and thuc can be redormatted after degausing. Others were not.