ought to be optional on a per-user basis, anyway :)
That's actually a good
suggestion that should make everyone save for the
most curmudgeonly (even Fred :) happy
What makes you think that I give a damn?
Actually, I think that the current system is almost working. The CCTECH
posts are labeled, and the chat posts (on CCTALK) aren't.
If you only want to read filtered, rigidly on-topic posts, subscribe to
If you want to read everything, subscribe to CCTALK.
If you want to read everything, and be able to post to both, subscribe to
both, and go "no-mail" on CCTECH to avoid getting duplicates.
But, the real test remains. So far, since the changes, there hasn't yet
been a major off-topic flamewar. Doesn't anybody care what Clinton did to
the availability of good carburetors?
Grumpy Ol' Fred