On 12 Apr 99 at 22:17, Jason Willgruber wrote:
I know that this is WAY off-topic, but I need some help:
While "cleaning up" some files on his computer my dad accidentally deleted
the "LOGO.SYS" file. Now when he has no splash screen when booting. All
that's shown is the startup commands and the BIOS settings of the computer.
He wants me to fix it, but the only problem is that he doesn't have the
Windows '98 CD (came pre-loaded on the computer).
What I want to know is if anyone running Windows '98 could email me the
logo.sys file (I think it's only 120k or something close to that).
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
PS>> Please remember to change the email address to mine - this doesn't need
to be continued on the List....
Thought about it for an instance and decided "keep your eye on the throttle and
your Big Mouth shut "
ciao larry
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