Thanks for the info Allison...
Along the lines of the previous post (which I completed cut out),
I'm think about connecting the raw digital data to the parallel
port or a custom serial to parallel converter, and parsing it
out in software. I work with enough brainy people I should be
able to get a PLL and data separator working under matlab...
I have a box (dual 8" floppies) that came with the CP/M 68K system that
isn't dec, but has RX01 written on the front in majik marker. It has
a 10-pin ribbon cable coming out of it. I also have a dual RX02 that
came with an 11/23. Can the interface card be used in a uVAX?
Before I sell the CP/M 68K system, I want to make sure I keep all the
DEC formatted floppies that belong to the '780.
On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, ajp166 wrote:
From: Clint Wolff (VAX collector)
I'm looking for a way to access a RX0? drive
from a PC! I'd like to
archive all the 8" floppies that came with my '780 (including some
CPM/68K distributions) for long-term preservation.
RX01 is SSSD and most pc controllers are problematic with that
mostly due to cost cutting. Mest best would be a machine with
wd36c65 based chip (with both clocks available) as it can do all
rates. You will have to create you own driver for the SSSD.
I do it all the time with my CP/M crate (native 8" SSSD support).
The varios other 8" formats that did get used may require a
WD1771/and/or/WD1793 based controller (very non PC) to read
the possible and sometimes oddball formats used.
RX02 is a truly unique format and only RX02 (or the few clones)
actually can read that (you must have a PDP-8, PDP-11 or VAX
in other words) as most are Omnibus, Unibus or Qbus.
Anybody done anything like this? I'm still
looking for the pinout
of the 10? pin ribbon cable that comes out of the dual floppy box.
10???? more like 40 for either rx02 or rx01.