My [1,2] directory has disappeared from my 11/23+ running RSX-11M Plus v4.1
Base Level 46!!! I have no idea how it happened, because the last time I
powered up the system it was there! I know it was because the STARTUP.CMD
file ran just as it should. I guess realistically it *was* something I did,
although I'll never know just what it was...
Anyway, the system now aborts it's startup procedure as soon as it can't
find the STARTUP.CMD file and I'm able to log in as a privileged user from
there. What I need to know is:
0) What exactly was in the [1,2] directory? Other than the STARTUP.CMD file,
I don't know much about the directory's contents.
1) Could anyone give me an example of what the STARTUP.CMD file should
contain? I'd like to make a new STARTUP.CMD file, but I have no clue what I
should put in there.
2) Every time I try to issue a SET or SHOW command, I get the message:
MCR -- Task active
Why is that?
3) To prevent this from happening in the future, how do I back up files to
floppy via the RX50?
So have I totally messed up my RSX system? I hope not, because I don't have
any distribution media.
Owen Robertson
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