I think I found drivers for it:
Has a boat load. Just need to know specific model I guess from the looks of it.
-John Boffemmyer IV
At 09:39 PM 5/14/2004, you wrote:
I'm helping a neighbor who's helping a
neighbor. He's trying to get a
Syquest SyJet IDE drive running under DOS (the neighbor->neighbor has a
bunch of DOS games she loves to play).
Does anyone have a Syquest SyJet IDE driver for MS-DOS? After a bit of
Googling, it would seem the file might be called SQATDRVR.SYS. It's
possible to set the BIOS parameters so the drive can be seen/read that way,
but cartridges can't be removed when it's done this way. Apparently the
driver facilitates that. If there's an accompanying utility that mounts
and/or dismounts the volume, I suppose it would be necessasry to have that
TIA! --Patrick
Founder, Lead Writer, Tech Analyst
and Web Designer Boff-Net Technologies