On 01/08/2013 20:42, "Tony Duell" <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
I've got a 1995 vintage Microvitec here, model 14VC2KLS2X, that seems to
have a PSU problem. Once warmed up it randomly goes off and suffers
vertical collapse, occasionally horizontal hold craps out as well.
Simple fix? All the capacitors look ok, ie not bulging. I know there's
Microvitec experts here :)
Normally vertical problems are easy to sort out as the vertical circuit
doesn't do anyhtign else (unlike the horixontal output stage which
porvided voltages for other bits of the monitor and the CRT).
Many Microvitecs used a stnadard vertical ouput circuit. The ones I
rememebr used a TDA1170 IC with the standard R's and C's. It would be
worth trying to find the vertical output iC in the monitor and checking
the components round it.
Could it be dry joints? Does the solderign look suspect?
Hi Tony,
I didn't have a chance to check that today. I'm on holiday for a week now
but I'll forward this to work so someone can check it on Monday.
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