The following manuals are available. The cost listed with each manual
is just to cover mailing costs.
If you want one of these:
1) Send an email reserving your manual(s) *** US destinations only ***
2) I will email you to confirm your reservation (or to say sorry, too late)
3) After confirmation of your reservation, send the funds (cash, check, or
stamps) to cover the cost of mailing.
Title: VT320 Installation & User's Guide
P/N: EK-VT320-UG-001
Quant: 2
Cost: $3
Title: TZK10 Cartridge Tape Drive; User Guide
P/N: EK--TZK10-OG-001
Quant: 1
Cost: $2
TZK12 525mb SCSI Tape Drive; Installation Guide - 2 copies
Quant: 2
Cost: $2
Title: VR320 Color Monitor - Installation & User's Guide
P/N: EK-VR320-IN-001
Quant: 2
Cost: $2
Title: DECserver 200 Hardware Installation/Owner's Guide
P/N: EK-D200C-IN-001
Quant: 2
Cost: $3
Title: Ultrix Basic Installation Guide
Quant: 1
Cost: $3
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