Adam Fritzler wrote:
I know there has already been a discussion on the Sony SMC-70, but it seems
to have terminated after being sidetracked into a discussion of floppy
I've stumbled upon quite a large collection of Sony modules for these
things. This is currently what I have sitting in front of me:
SMC-70G Micro Computer
??????? Genlocker
SMI-7012A Dual Floppy Unit
SMI-7074 NTSC Superimposer
SMI-7050 Cache Disk Unit -- What is this?
SMI-7075 Videotizer
I have two of the SMI-7050 disk cache units, plus a SMI-7031 RS232
Interface unit. Seems you got all the interesting modules ;) Also,
I've got a still sealed in plastic dual floppy drive unit. Maybe the
ones installed in the unit are bad? Someone has put a sticker on the
system that says, "Ship back to Sony."
Now, is there anywhere that I can get an OS and the software to use all that
equipment with? Can someone 'lend' me images of thier floppies? (If anyone
has them!)
The main computer module is fuctional -- I can boot it to the point where I
get a console monitor and get type 'b' and get into 'Sony BASIC'. I
currently have enough RGB NTSC video equipment to test the rest out.
Mine seems functional too, as I get typical bootstrap activities, but I
don't have a video cable to see what's really going on. Can anyone tell
me the pinout so I can make one? And of course, if I get video, I'll
too need help with software... I've found very little mention of this
machine via search engines.