The module was
a "upgrade product for those wating a 8088 and having onl
z80 cpu. By unplugging the z80 and putting in the card you could run 16
Does this mean it would work in place of any 8080 CPU? Any idea what
the 8 pin header on the component side of the board was used for? This
is interesting since these past comments are the first I have heard
about the module!
No. first it was not an 8080 replacement. Though it may have subbed for
8085 as they were very similar. Two the system had to be configured to run
8088 code(wich is not 8080 or z80 compatable.
I had done this to an 8085 system as the signals from the 8088 are the 8085
are very close.
The extra plug was likely the remaining 4 address lines (16 bit vs 20 bit
If I had one I could trace it out and regenerate the schematic.