Hi Tony,
I found those, thank you. I found that the HP 163x series uses 9 characters
of the first 10, uses the same type code.The one char not used in the
visible name is actually in lowercase, and defines which type it is ....
I have a dump ready to document them...
On 12/22/05, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
I have been able to figure out the LIF Directory format for HP 163x
files. I will write up a doc for that. It is
possible to mount a floppy
under Linux, set some parameters for the floppy drive, and dd it out to
image file. This way one can read the floppy with
the LIFUTILs out
Have you looked at my LIF Utilities for Linux (available, I hope, from
http://www.hpcc.org/, if not can send you a .tar.gz file). There might be
some useful stuff there relating to reading directory entries, etc.
I wrote this to handle the files used on the handheld calculators, and
therefore there won't be explicit types defined for other files. But it's
faitly clear how to add them. Ask me if you need some help.
In the XMas break I'll work on a doc to make
that info available.
However, I'm also looking how a dir entry looks for for example an
assembler and executable code. There is a way to
load a program on these
LA's and execute them.
I am sure yoy know this, but the things you need to find out are the 16
bit file type code and the contents of the 4 type-dependant bytes. The
latter could depend on the file size, or the execution entry point, or...