On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Chris Tofu <rampaginggreenhulk at yahoo.com>wrote:
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 12:07 AM PST Josh Dersch wrote:
On 2/7/2013 11:22 PM, Chris Tofu wrote:
> Always the same response. Nothing ever changes. It must not be real or
their precious time because it clashes with their so *NOT* well
thought out world view. What can I say. I was asked, I delivered, and
their bleat(ing) goes on.
Have you considered that the problem might in fact be you? (BTW, your
description of Mexicans as "unskilled" and "illiterate" masses says a
number of things about your character, none of them good).
I haven't any food stamps to give anyone, much less illegal, unskilled,
illiterate Mexicans.
Yes, keep digging that hole.
How is it that you're so comfortable with your country's unwillingness to
control it's borders??? And do you see doctors, lawyers, and engineers
scurrying across the border?
I do. I work with several.
Countries like Australia run campaigns to attract
SKILLED workers. Why
should we be any different?
You're assuming that the US doesn't. You know what happens when you
assume, right?
Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
- Josh