The RX02 'drive' is a lot more that what is
normally meant by a disk
drive. It's a rackmount chassis containing 2 floppy drive mechanisms
(these are standard, 77 track units, but without the normal circuit
boards on them), a power supply, and 2 DEC-designed PCBs. The lower PCB
contains the electronics you'd normally expect to find on a floppy drive
(stepper motor drivers, read amplifier, write driver, etc). The upper PCB
is the disk controller -- it's an embedded computer using 2 2901 ALU
chips, 3 2911 sequencers (or are they 2909s -- I don't have the prints to
hand), 1K of control store ROM, RAM, TTL, and so on. This communicates
with the interface card in the Qbus slot (or Unibus, or Omnibus, or..)
via a special TTL level serial link.
There is some buffer RAM on the controller board in the drive box. The
interface can send commands to transfer the contents of the RAM to/from
the host computer, or to read/write a given sector on the disk to/from
the RAM. Reading a sector is thus a 2-stage operation. First you send the
command to read the sector into the buffer RAM on the controller board.
Then you send the command to transfer the RAM contents to the host.
Writing is much the same in reverse.
Point is, the RX02 data format is determined by the microcode on the
controller board in the RX02 chassis itself. It can basically do 2
formats -- the special RX02 one, and an RX01 one, which is compatible
with other manufacturer's single-density disks (IBM 3740, etc). That's
why an RX02 can read (and write) RX01 disks. The reverse is not true, and
nor is it true that other machines that can read/write RX01s can read RX02s.
reasonable since the RX02s can reputedly read
RX01 diskettes.
It can. In much the same way that many double-density systems can read
single-density disks.
Thanks Tony! I am a lot more knowledgeable now than when I started this
exercise. And thanks to all the others for their helpful input also.
- don