Here's something I found in the ClassicCmp archives, noting that there is a
person with a 3 volume set of manuals for the ASR33...
Re: Printers
From: Marvin (marvin(a)
Date: 06/11/97-02:19:54 PM Z
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A.R. Duell wrote:
I collect _some_ printers - the ones I consider
interesting, or fine
examples of engineering. Amongst the ones I have are a couple oF ASR33's
(great fun to strip down and rebuild, particularly if you don't have the
service manual...), a few other Teleprinters (Creed 7E, Creed 444, Friden
Flexowriter), a couple of Sanders (12/7 and 700) - these are very well
built 7 pin dot matrix printers that use multiple passes of the printhead
(up to 8 in some fonts) to get letter quality output, a Versatec V80
(actually an ICL 6203, which has a GPIB interface), which uses an array of
electrodes to build up a charge image on specially coated paper, and then
pumps liquid toner over it, etc
Nice collection! For what it is worth, I have the 3 volume set of
Teletype manuals on the ASR 33, and one other (can't remember the
model.) If anyone needs the manual set, I think I know where another
one is.
=> -----Original Message-----
=> From: owner-classiccmp(a)
=> []On Behalf Of chd
=> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 10:59 AM
=> To: classiccmp(a)
=> Subject: ASR33 print head
=> Is there a source for new(er) ASR33 print heads? Mine has many of the
=> characters worn/damaged.
=> -chuck