<Enrico has become SUCH a pain, and it seems like most of the traffic of
<late is a result of his insistence not to let this drop. While he may o
<may not have a valid problem, I no longer care, and based on the way he'
<acting I would suspect the problem is on his end. Because of all of thi
<I'd like to propose a rather drastic solution
<Shun Him! (in other words ignore him totally)
This to me is a rehash of the dealing across the pond discussion from
some 3-4 months ago. At the time I was one to say that shipping across
the pond was more aggravation than it was worth even if there was profit
in it. This is an example of why.
Doing trades and shipping internationally are still enough of a annoyance
from my point of view to avoid them. Enrico's
further galvanized me on
that. Shipping is never as trivial as addressing a box
and hoping it
gets there and the cost is never trivial, at least to me. So when I do
it I feel I should not be at risk doing it.