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-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Mark Tapley
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:07 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: cctalk Digest, Vol 34, Issue 8
At 20:25 -0500 6/3/06, Chuck wrote:
What was the MO drive on the Next cube--650 MB?
silly to me to
market the thing without a hard drive--and I think
eventually came
around to that way of thinking.
256 MB. I don't think the cartridges were
interchangeable with anything else common. There were
reversible cartridges which could hold 256M per side, but
only one side was accessible at a time.
NeXT did add first a "Swap drive" of 20 MB and later larger
hard drives, 105MB in pizza boxes, 330 and 660 MB in cubes,
and eventually stopped selling the opticals.
There were significant problems with drive dust
inhalation in the NeXT implementation. That led to reversal
of the fan (by mechanically reversing, *not* by changing
around the power connector, in case you want to try it) by
many owners, which was eventually approved by NeXT. However,
my cube has a fairly unique set-up which meant that fan
reversal caused problems with overheating of the SCSI driver chip.
There were also long-term problems with either the
drives or the media - they seem to be going bad at a fairly
regular pace. I don't know that I've heard a good explanation
for that. It *might* be some form of connector corrosion;
disassembling and cleaning mine has cured it twice, even
though it didn't look dirty at all around the lens area.
Corrections or clarifications welcome, apologies if
this is redundant (getting behind on the digests again).
- Mark
Cell Phone: 210-379-4635
office: 210-522-6025