Builder writes:
I have an Apple //e that I need to dispose of, but I
hate to take it to the
dump. Is anyone interested in it know of any place who would take it off my
hands. It has a Cider hard drive and a 1 mb ram card and 2 printers.
Any help would be appreciated
Ed Dunn
Cortez, CO
Hmmmmm, wouldn't mind getting the HD for my Platinum IIe --- don't really
need the rest. My g/f picked up three dot-matrix printers at an auction for
a dollar.
Too bad there isn't a program of some sort for businesses/individuals to
donate older computer equipment to people in need, especially kids in
low-income situations.
Sad to say 8 bit Apples have become a throwaway item. Great box to learn
the basics of computers and machine language, but everyone wants a flashy
GUI, gHz performance and (shudder!!!!) Windows.
Gary Hildebrand
St. Joseph, MO