A few weeks ago, I was charged with fixing a new Macintosh 5400/180.
It had been in a music room, in a sound proof booth, for several
months, with a MIDI interface being used for music software and the
like. The problem was something with the hard drive. This is the
second hard drive failure I've seen since an AT&T 6300. When the
drive tries to seek, it sound like a pendulum is stopping (tick...
tock,tock,tock,SILENCE). The head never sounds like it moves. The
little LED on the drive flashes, though. This is an IDE, by the way.
So, here's the good part. We sent in for a replacement, and in a few
days, it's the same way.
Now, I'm thinking it's a problem with the sound box's power supply,
maybe those 2GW speakers in there. Any ideas before we fry another
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