I googled it remind myself of what book it is (rather than go look on my book shelves or
in my catalogue) and to my shock I found this on Amazon:
(1 to 1 of 1 offers sorted by : Price + Shipping)
Price + Shipping Condition Seller Information Ready to buy?
+ $3.99shipping
Used - Very Good
Seller: bookstores12
Rating:96% positive over the past 12 months (3887 ratings.) 5822 lifetime ratings.
Shipping: In Stock. Ships from TX, United States. International shipping available.
See Shipping Rates. See return policy.
Comments: nice copy!!! almost no wear
Note that this is the LOW ITEM PRICE!!!
Even if it were signed by Ken Iverson, it still wouldn't be $238.39!
(I checked, I have a copy).
Vern Wright
--- On Mon, 3/2/09, Jim Battle <frustum at pacbell.net> wrote:
From: Jim Battle <frustum at pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: books, free for cost of shipping from austin, tx
To: "On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 12:14 PM
A number of books have been claimed, but there have been
multiple requests for some. To prevent more of that, here
is the updated list:
Windows 95 API How-To
The Definitive Windwos API Problem-Solver
Matthew Telles, Andrew Cook
750 pages + CD
Windows Programming
Annotated Archives
Herb Shildt
520 pages + CD
Windows 95
A Developer's Guide
Jeffrey Richter
Jonathan Locke
616 pages + CD
Windows 95
A Programmer's Case Book
Seven S. Chen
754 pages + CD
Advanced Windows (Third Edition)
Jeffrey Richter
1050 pages + CD
Multithreading Applications in Win32
The Complete Guide to Threads
Jim Beveridge
Robert Wiener
368 pages + CD
Windows 95 WIN32 Programming API Bible
Book 1
Richard Simon
1378 pages + CD
Programming Windows 95
The Definitive Developer's Guide to the Windows 95 API
Charles Petzold, Paul Yao
1100 pages + CD
Linux System Administration
Vicki Stanfield, Roderick W. Smith
657 pages, (c) 2001
Elements of COBOL Programming
Wilson T. Price, Jack L. Olson
375 pages, (c) 1977
Fortran IV (Second Edition)
Standard Fortran WATFOR-WATFIV
293 pages, (c) 1974
BASIC (2nd Edition)
Samuel L Marateck
475 pages, (c) 1982
An Interactive Approach (Second Edition)
Leonard Gilman and Allen J. Rose
378 pages, (c) 1976
Burroughs B 1000 Systems Interactive BASIC (IBASIC)
Language Manual
~120 pages?, (c) 1974
Three ring binder holes, staples removed