Subject: Re: FPGA VAX update, now DIY TTL computers
From: Paul Koning <pkoning at>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 11:34:10 -0500
To: cctalk at
>>>> "Allison" == Allison
<ajp166 at> writes:
Allison> After transistors the second evolution in computers was
Allison> packaging.
True, at least in high end computers. Cray understood packaging -- as
far back as the CDC 6600 (1964) there is serious magic and serious
engineering in the packaging.
On the other hand, DEC computers, while nice architecturally, don't
show anything interesting in the way of packaging.
(A good way to look at it is that you could fit a whole CDC 6000
series mainframe in a box not much bigger than the PDP-6 general
registers module, which are roughly contemporary.)
Ah and 1964 is nearly 8 years after TX2.
True for later generations. However CDC6000 was more specialized
packaging where the PDP6 was a whole lot of flipchips and limited
specialized packaging.
Neither are right or wrong only differing goals and approach.