From: "Joe R." <rigdonj at>
only ever found ONE keyboard. I used to have a full set of manuals for the
4041 including the service manual but I gave all of it to Mike Haas and I
think he's since sold them. I think my buddy in Sanford probably has
manuals for it but I don't know when I'll be over in that area again.
First off, if Dennis gets to be 'Dennis K.', then I'd like to become 'Mike
H.' in these
cases too.
Yep, I remember that 4041 well... I didn't get a keyboard or any tapes when I got
machine, but as usual with Joe, there was some nice manualage included. Looked
like a very robust BASIC & GPIB environment.
You do need a keyboard or pre-programmed tapes to run it. It can auto-execute programs
off tape, and a few line program there could redirect the console out a serial port...
That keyboard connector looked pretty easy to hack in a homebrew keyboard. I think the
protocol is just serially coded ASCII codes at slow ttl levels, but I no longer have the
docs or machine... Sorrry
- Mike: dogas at