Try and go for the General Connectors page
Many type on that page but I think you should see what is described towards
the bottm.
Anyway, the connectors I am thinking of were part of
as series. They were
circular, most of them were chassis mouting plugs and cable sockets. The
plug was recessed into the panel, and the socket part fitted into it.
There were 1.5A and 5A versions with 2, 3, or 6 pins. Polaraision was
acheaived by a groove down the side of the socket part and a
corresponding ridge in the recessed plug. In many cases the wire
terminals on the socket part were covered by a simple screw-on cap which
means they're not not approved for use above 50V (since you can unscrew
said cap and get access to live parts without the use of a tool). There
were later mocels of some of the sockets with the cover held on by
screws, AFAIK those are still OK for mains use.
If you like I can tey to find the part numbers for them.