Hi Jim,
regarding reading the StarTrek paper tapes I spent some time on
the weekend to rework my SPT11A manual reader - I got this from
an eBay auction and it was an accessory for some military receiver
(probalby to read in some codes). It had a fimrwaere which refused
to communicate with a simple terminal program, so I reverse en-
gineered the hardware and replaced the original ROM it by an
own firmware which simply sends the contents read from PPT to
the PC via its RS232C...
So I'd offer sending this to you as an item on loan to read in your
tapes and you return it afterwards? I tested it with some data and
it works well (just slowly pull the paper tape through the reader
and use e.g. putty to log the binary serial output). After turning
on the reader there is a short welcome message to verify the serial
connection (9600,8N1).
The only question is, whether you can handle the EU style power
supply shown in the picture...
I ordered USB->RS232C converters and if you have some more time,
I'd attach one of them to the reader not only doing conversion
but also supplying the converter with power from the PC.
Addidionally you should send me your physical address via PM
so I can prepare for shipping...
Best regards from Germany,
On Mon, 18 Apr 2016, jim s wrote:
On 4/18/2016 12:19 AM, Erik Baigar wrote:
Hi Jim, Dear Sherman,
thanks for the update. I wish you the very best for digitizing the
tape. I can offer reading it using a Facit N4000 (speed can be configured
down to 50cps, i.e. around 10cm/s). I also have got a manual reader
which unfortunately is broken: I would have to generate a new 80C51
chip with the right firmware (not a big issue, but not possible over
night). I can offer fixing this and lending it out to you in
two or three weeks...
I'd be glad to help with shipping on that and would use it. I don't have
fanfold samples to send to you for testing, but would be glad to have a hand
version to feed this thru.
I'd be really interested in getting hands on
a copy to run on my
Rolm computers. Are you sure, that there is only a singel tape?
There are 47
individual tapes in the set. All from 1/4" of fan fold width to
about 1 1/2" of fanfold width.
I will put up my photographs and videos later today and reply again with that
information on my blog.
As mentioned I have got one tape of a two-tape
binary distribution
of the StarTrek.
Best Regards from Germany,
On Sun, 17 Apr 2016, jim s wrote:
Here is an update on the tape. It is a box of 47
tapes. We got a
volunteer from Charles Anthony to do a video reader for it.
I have a video I can share of that tape if that is of interest. I was
hoping that it was going to be a basic source tape distribution, but on
looking at it, that doesn't fit with what I can read by eye on the tape I
read, so I bet it is a bunch of binaries.
The tape is fanfold and will need a very careful handling to read it so we
will proceed carefully. It is pristine now, doesn't look like it was ever
I will let you know if we need help, but am going to look for a hand
optical reader somewhere for loan or build and attack it that way.
It has writing on the box that leads me to think it is from a user group
for DG of some sort if that helps you identify the source of it.
On 4/16/2016 3:04 AM, Erik Baigar wrote:
Hi Jim,
just out of curiosity: Did you have got a look at the DG Star
Trek? Is there a chance to get a copy of the tape?
If you need assistance in reading the tape, just drop me
a note...
Best regards from Germany,
On Fri, 8 Apr 2016, Erik Baigar wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> short version: Yes, I can confirm existence of such a software and
> I'd be highly interested in a copy. Of course I can
> offer digitizing it ;-)
> longer version: I am preserving various Rolm (later Loral) 16 bit
> machines which are hardened, military machines widely comaptible
> to the DG hardware (1602 compatible to Nova and MSE14/Micro is the
> hardened Eclipse). If interested, have a look at my logbook...
> ...datecodes 10/20/2014 to 12/15/2014 and 2/3/2015 to 2/28/2015.
> Together with two friends (both maintaining a 1602B and native
> DG hardware) we built a harddisc simulator to run advanced
> software (e.g. RDOS). During my efforts I rescued some paper tapes
> from Rolm (diagnostics)...
> ...and among these serious, mighty tapes was one labeled
> "Star Trek 1/2". I digitized it, but without the second part
> it is of nut much use, so I am sure that such a game existed
> for DG hardware. From the first tape I can tell, that it is
> not just the BASIC listing, but native machine code and there
> is a copyright message dating 1969-1973 ;-)
>> The tape pile is fanfold about 10" across in a DG box specially made
>> for such use.
> On some occasions I had trouble reading the 30+ years old
> oiled black tapes due to some holes on the folds being
> obscured at the from debris of the ageing paper...
> The very best from Germany,
> Erik.