> Like an E, but no, more like a genic mutated C,
> with a debenerated = ... C^H= .... just nonsense - for what
> reason we need such a stupid symbol ?
Uh-oh, Hans...am I detecting hostility toward the
No, just about some stuipd ideas around like
a) the name - calling it Euro and cent is a coward like solution
to avoide any problems with choosing a real name.
b) the dual labeling in stores for THREE years - nonsense
c) the tree year period of having a new curency but not issuing
notes or coins - three years of double book keeping, enormus
software costs and tree years of possible fraud (They offered
the bad guys a lot of time to develop strategies and 'earn'
their money).
d) The stupid symbol.
Why, if it helps
to consolidate power in the hands of your government, which can
subesequently turn it over to you in the form of taxes? Don't you _want_
a global english-speaking empire ;)
Of course .... what could be better than that (maybe with an
exception for a chineese speaking world) - no, serious, I
live very happy within some 20 million Bavarian speaking
people (and the other ca. 100 M German speaking that I can
at least understand :) - so for what I need In'glisch ?
TBOTA: the country specific variants of the 7-Bit ASCII have
been some trouble in the past, maybe it wasn't that visible
for the US boys (Did you know that there is also a kind of
cyrillic (russian) ASCII, where they not only replaced a few
symbols, but rather the whole alpha chars (and some additional,
since they have more letters). Even when using latin type ASCII
(7 Bit) there have been a lot of efforts to create multi language
editors for CP/M ... In the beginning even a single language
version of Wordstar was not possible other than US/GB english,
since the code positions where the 'special' letters where assigned
have been assumed to be non letters "@$&{[]}\|".
Der Kopf ist auch nur ein Auswuchs wie der kleine Zeh.