On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Ben Franchuk wrote:
pat(a)cart-server.purdueriots.com wrote:
In a project I'm thinking about starting this summer, I want to try and
re-create a PDP-11 (or maybe a -8 or something) using either SSI logic
and/or PAL/GALs. I would like to do the entire thing in SSI, but I fear
that I'd quickly eat up a lot of money on the project, so where necessary
I'd replace sections with PALs. Anyone have any good ideas?
1) CPU card
2) Memory - SRAM
3) Front-panel switches
4) Console serial port
5) A few digital I/O ports
6) Floppy interface (anyone suggest an easy to interface controller?)
7) IDE controller
Barring #7 can I sell you the nice 12/24 bit FPGA cpu I homebrewing. :)
I'm trying to avoid any more integration than a PAL or EPROM would
provide. Thannks for the offer anyhow. :)
The PDP-11 is way too complex for SSI logic. A reduced
PDP-8 style cpu
would be possible with SSI logic. While not true SSI logic modern
EEPROMS would be very useful for control logic. Byte magazine had a few
Yeah that might be a good idea.
TTL designed cpu's. Stack based languages like
Forth are easy to do in
TTL. I would have done my FPGA computer in TTL but nowadays you can't
find the 74LS chips I needed anymore like 74ls382 4-bit alu. One other
option is 2901 bit slice parts. B.G.Micro seems to have a few in stock.
If I were to redesign I would use 2901 bit slice parts and EEPROMS for
control now that I know where to find 2901's.
I know it's not a conventional way to do it, but if I design my own CPU I
might just use a few EPROMS - at least for multiplicaion and divison, and
perhaps for addition and subraction. If I only do an 8-bit proc (very
likely), that's doable in a 256k*8 and a 128k*8 EPROM, running me only
less than $12 for 120ns parts and only 64pins in two chips to implement
all of the difficult ALU functions. AND, OR, etc should be easy and
cheaper to do with 74* TTL or CMOS IC's. Either battery-backed SRAM or
(E)EPROM for the state controller should be cheap, easy, and effective.
Mind you, I haven't bothered looking around for prices yet, so things may
actually be cheaper.
A floppy disk controller interface is fairly simple
but you need a fast
CPU for the disk if some sort of DMA is not used. That is why my FPGA
computer is not quite finished , I am squeezing in DMA for HD floppies.
Also the front panel logic needs a bit of work too.
I might think about using an 80xx series DMA controller and a
semi-standard WDC floppy controller like those used in PeeCees so I can
get easy acces to docs for them. However, I might not bother adding in
the fdd stuff or hdd stuff - as long as I can get the code to fit onto an
SRAM or something I should be OK. I just have to figure out what I want
to do before I go any further.
I just
If you really want to be authentic don't forget to
add Refresh logic on
the CPU for DRAM.
That's OK, I'll deal with the non-authentic feel of battery-backed SRAMs.
Anyhow, the SRAM will act more like some core memory. :)
-- Pat