Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 20:32:00 -0200
From: "Alexandre Souza - Listas" <pu1bzz.listas at>
Subject: Re: apple Lisa2. One working!! - one to go?
However, it's also quite easy to use a 2764 in
place of a 2716 in the
actual machine. What I normally do is make an adapter that will plug into
the oriignal EPPROM socket and will tkae the 2764. Most pins just
connect across, you need to connect the higher address lines on the EPROM
to ground (do this on the adapter, of course). Then program the ROM image
into the first section of the larger EPROM, and it should work fine.
An example to ilustrate the talk:
Definitely interesting and somewhat relevant, but not quite the same thing;
that deals with the common problem of replacing 24pin 8K 23xx type ROMs (or
68764/66 EPROMs) with a 27xx equivalent EPROM (with multiple images in this
example), whereas Tony was talking about replacing a 2716 with a larger 27xx
EPROM, not quite the same thing or adapter.