On Fri, 22 Jun 2007, Bob Rosenbloom wrote:
I have an IBM Series/1 system also. I have many
manuals and books for it that I need to get to bitsavers. Also, somewhere I have some
software on 8" floppies. Unfortunately, I don't have a working boot device for
mine. Some photos are on my web site at
www.dvq.com under "old mainframes and
Behind the operators panel on my unit is a large power supply.
There are 10 or so boards in the main unit, then cables which run down to an expansion
chassis. Possibly, those are the cables that have been cut on yours. The main chassis
holds the processor, memory, and boot device attachment card, the expansion chassis has
extra I/O cards, at least in my system.
There were quite a few different processor and system configurations so my info may not
match yours. Let me know
if I can help in any way. You can contact me off-line if you want.
Greetings Bob;
I'll keep this public for a bit, see if any other Series/1 owners appear.
I read through (alright, alright, skimmed) the three docs on BitSavers and
believe my machine is a Model D revision, based on the card locations
(Although I didn't see any reason behind -why- the card positions
changed). This leads me to believe the unit has 64Kb of memory as well,
which is nice. The cardcage is quite full (Only two empty slots), so I'm
well stacked of I/O cards. I have the full rack, with a single 8" drive,
and all the appropriate blanking panels. At one point the machine had a
large hard disk - but this was taken apart by, presumably, the same Hell
Spawn that took the power supply.
When the manual said '300W' I had hopes I might be able to jerry-rig
something... but upon looking at the four microribbons going into the back
of the power supply casing, with what looks like 20 lines per ribbon...
somehow I don't think I'll be able to deduce this without some much better
hardware manuals (or, preferably, the real blasted PSU).
Given there must have been many of these units made (if they were used in
Chevy manufacturing plants and the like), one would hope someone on the
ccmp list has some OS media.