It was thus said that the Great John Chris Wren once stated:
This is a personal tirade of mine. There is no such thing as a language
that supports comments that can be considered write-only. There are
write-only programmers, but personally, I can't think of a single language
that doesn't support comments in one form or another. From using Forth with
shadow files to the latest and greatest 5GL languages, they all support
comments. Feel free to show an example of a language that doesn't support
comments, it will be new to me.
Then you haven't come across Befunge:
Befunge98 *appears* to have a facility for comments, but given the nature
of the language, it could conceivably overwrite its own comments. Befunge93
(the first version) doesn't support comments at all.
I've used ALGOL, FORTRAN, COBOL, Forth, C/C++,
Java, Pascal, LOGO,
Smalltalk, Perl, Python, Ruby, DBASE, BASIC, PL/1, PL/M, ADA, Modula, APL,
Foxpro, SQL, and a few others that I can't even recall anymore. I've
written assembler on PICs, 6502, 68xx, 68xxx, 8051, 1802s, 8080/Z80, 29030s,
x86, Cyber 74, MSP430, TI DSPs, ADI DSPs, and about a dozen other
processors. My personal experience says there is NO write-only language.
Then you haven't seen BrainFuck:
And yes, you *can* get a compiler for BrainFuck. Why you would, is
another question.
These are *almost* on topic here (both being around nine years old).
-spc (And you thought INTERCAL was bad ... )