Sorry, but I need in a hurry 1-2 hard drive chassis for my Data General
Aviion 3700 server. It's a quad P-III Xeon with 1GB main memory and RAID:
pretty bad-ass server basically. I'm trying to get it up and running to
replace the venerable VCF web server (a late 1990s era P-PRO) so I can
finally get some new services installed (and hopefully to start hosting
mirrors of different archives).
The drive chassis are specific to this Aviion server. They hold 3.5" hard
drives...Seagate types where LC are the last two letters of the part
number, e.g. ST39102LC. I guess I could use a drive also. I have three
installed and want to configure them in a RAID 5 arrangement but am having
trouble making it work with SuSE Linux (9.3). So I'm thinking to add a
4th drive to make as the boot/OS drive.
I guess as a way off-topic side question, does anyone know how to properly
configure a RAID 5 in Linux so that I can also boot from it? Everything
I've read so far in Google is way outdated.
Checked on eBay for the parts (which is why I found all that keen DG stuff
I posted) but nothing's come up so far :(
Please respond directly to me so the list doesn't get cluttered with
this crap.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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