Instead, Q is low and NOT Q is high which is the
reverse of
be the case. What's the deal? Bad 7474? Or is my
IF my thinking is correct and my suspicion that the 7474 is
bad, is it
safe to replace it with a 74LS74? A friend of mine and
I had a
conversation about what you can replace with what and
what he told me about that.
considering the low speed of a 6800, an LS (or even an HCT)
should work...but, are you sure it isn't the case of a fast
pulse on the D input when CLK is hit (on the falling edge if
memory is correct)? and you aren't seeing it (using a logic
probe or a triggered scope)? did you check the voltage in to D?
maybe it's in no mans land (i.e. around 2v). Maybe its the IC
driving the flip flop D input thats bad, or a fast pulse is
hitting the R* input
Anyway, I'd take it out and put in a socket if you think its
most likely cause
Jack Peacock