wanderer wrote:
Hi All,
I recently acquired an ASR33 and I'm in need of some assitance in order
to be able to let it work against my Unix box.
Tony Duel's response fits my memory on the wiring, but I really hope
your intent is to have the machine work _with_, not _against_ your
Unix box. Because if you want it to work _against_ your Unix box, I
can provide wiring diagrams that are extremely user-unfriendly (while
leaving the equipment intact for the heirs).
At the back of the powersupply there is a terminal
strip with a number
of lugs. Question is, which lugs to use, the unit is an UCC-6
(for private wire setups).
Other problem is which voltage to use for the current loop to rs232,
I have a converter, and uses 5 volt maximum, and do not know if that
will work. If not, does someone then have a proper schematic?
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_