I co-manage a gaming center in the mall up here in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
I've started setting up a couple older computers around the store as
some sort of mini-museum, to try teach the kids that there was indeed
something before Halo and WoW.
My latest setup is a Power Mac 5500/225, with copies of the old Carmen
Sandiego games, and Oregon Trail, and all those other fun things I
grew up on. Only problem is that the computer has 48MB of RAM, when it
could take up to 128MB, assuming I can lay my hands on the right
sticks of RAM.
Which is the point of this message! If anyone has a couple of 64MB
DIMMs (LowEndMac says the computer wants it in a 60ns EDO flavor), I'd
be much obliged if we could work out some sort of deal. If there's
something one of you are looking for, I'm sure we could figure out
something. I'm sure I have at least a gigabyte of the stuff somewhere
in St. Louis, but that's enough hours away that it's not worth it at
the moment. Thanks, folks!
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