Subject: Re: rx01 w/o controller board
From: "Jay West" <jwest at>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 16:17:48 -0500
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
Brad wrote....
I assume to make this work I need an electronics
card on the RX01 drive
itself. The drive has what looks like mounting holes for a PCB and I
the RX11 is way too simple so I assume there is something which bolts
onto the RX01 drive. And a ribbon cable between them. And a power
supply :-)
I have a problematic RX02 "internal" controller card, I was in a hurry to
get the drive operational and just bought a new card for it. You're welcome
to the old one (which obviously needs some repair), if it will help in your
RX02 does not work with RX11, also the bords for rx02 and rx01 are "sets"
that I've found are not cross interchangeable.
If you building up an RX01 you need both drive internal boards and RX11
to be of the RX01 part group.
I know this as my RX02 started life as an RX01. Then I changed the drive
boards and use a RXV21 with it.
Which RX01 card do you need the Drive interface or the "processor" board?