Subject: Re: Ee?prom burners [Was: Re: CUBIX/6809 updates]
From: "Dwight Elvey" <dwight.elvey at>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 13:55:36 -0800 (PST)
To: cctalk at
From: "Brian Wheeler" <bdwheele at>
That said, the only thing that's really kept me from building machines
(heh, besides time and money!) is the lack of an eprom (or eeprom)
What do you guys recommend? Are there instructions for PC-driven
burners online somewhere that seem reasonable? If not homebuilt, what's
a reasonable price for one?
I recommend not getting one at all. I recommend using
flash memory. There are a number of boot flash memories
that would work well. You put some simple code in the
boot part to get things bootstrapped up and then use
the other segments of the flash for your development.
Of course, you need to program the flash for the first
time. For this, you could get someone to program one
with your bootstrap code. Just remember, the bootstrap
code should be something really simple. You might even
make it something simple with a parallel port that
handshakes the data. That way you could even avoid
debugging the initialization sequence for a serial
chip. The bootstrap code should only load into
memory a fixed amount of code and then jump to that
code. 256 bytes should be enough. From there, you
increase the complexity as much as you like.
The parallel port could be just 2 bits out and
2 bits in.
Just my thoughts.
For CUBIX that means a bit of work as the OS is rom resident.
Building a parallel port EEprom burner is trivial, Eprom for a
limited design say one type is fairly easy. Code the drive the
parallel port is a PC coding problem and I hate PCs.
there are PCport designs on the net.
myself I have a S100 board that does 2716->27128 and through
a hack I've done 27512s and 27010s.