You should put the disk on E-OverPay if you still have it. I've never seen
one like that, I'm sure it's a lot rarer than the 8008! All you need is a
good write up full of hype!
At 07:33 PM 7/3/99 -0600, you wrote:
Nope . . . and I made a "high-tech tie-tack"
out of my 8008. I just powered
the box down, pulled the processor out, removed the 8008, bent the pins
around so as not to damage a good silk bib, and super-glued the tack to the
back of it. . . That box, an NBI word processor, used those hard sectored
diskettes with the holes around the outside. EEEK!
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe <rigdonj(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Saturday, July 03, 1999 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: E-bay stupidity! was Re: height of folly
At 05:15 PM 7/3/99 -0600, Dick wrote:
>That's the price you pay, so to speak, for participating in a free-market
>economy. The market determines what price the market will bear. If there
>are more rich dummies (If that's how you prefer to think of them) than
Altairs or 4004's then you'll probably never own one.
Meanwhile, maybe I can get someone to slide me a few bucks for this old
stuff of mine . . .
Sure I'll slip you a few bucks. Got any 4004s around? :-)