On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 12:52 PM, Electronics Plus <sales at elecplus.com> wrote:
If you are looking for tested working legacy IBM
terminals with tested
complete M122 keyboards, please contact
<mailto:bfloyd at southtexasproducts.com> bfloyd at
southtexasproducts.com. He
will sell the tested monitors with kbds for $85 plus shipping. Monitors
might have slight screen burn, but nothing really bad. He will also do
international shipping. He has 3151, 3196, 3197, and similar ones
I have a working IBM 3101 terminal I got working with Linux. The
"magic" was a terminfo entry that leverages the screen for as much as
it will do (it has a few more feature sequences than a VT52, and way
less than a VT100).
(looks like the link to the referenced terminfo file is now dead).
I know the 3151 is a later model in the sequence - it appears to
emulate the IBM 3101, plus the ADM-3A, ADM-5, ADDS Viewpoint A2,
Hazeltine 1500, and various Televideo TVI 9xx models.
$85 for a working dumb terminal sounds pretty good these days.