> They weren't even clones, they were the real
deal. Apple II Plus
> computers produced by Apple for B&H for a time.
On Fri, 13 May 2016, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
Apple manufactured an OEM Apple ][+ ? Really? I was
pretty sure the
B&H's were an independent product.
Not independent.
Apple licensed them to try to step on the clone
market. I can't fathom
I doubt it. Apple licensed them as a way to get in the
door of school
Apple letting someone else sell their own product
(modulo case colour)
at a price that undercut the official product.
I seriously doubt that the B&H "Black Apple" was cheaper. But, it had
B&H's credibility backing it up for skeptical school boards, who bought
tons of B&H AV equipment, but didn't know what a "personal computer"
I do recall now the local elementary & jr. high
schools gobbled them up.
(The B&H variant.)
I knew a few teachers who got B&H Black Apples into the classroom, and
THEN were able to get the school board to let them buy Apples, because
they were cheaper, "just as good", and "completely compatible!" with