Somebody (I forget who) was asking for information on the Exidy Sorcerer. I've
found the manuals, and will give a little useful info below.
Memory Map :
0-1FFF 8K RAM (standard) - 1F50-1F90 Monitor stack, 1F91-1FFF Monitor workspace.
[Or 0-3FFF 16K RAM, 0-7FFF 32K RAM, with the monitor stuff at the top of that]
C000-DFFF 8K ROM cartridge
[Or D000-DFFF 4K ROM cartridge, A000-DFFF 16K ROM cartridge]
E000-EFFF Monitor ROM
F000-F07F Video Scratchpad
F080-F7FF Video (Screen) RAM
F800-FBFF Ascii PROMs
FC00-FDFF Standard graphics
FE00-FFFF User Graphics
Monitor Commands :
DU <a1> <a2> DUmp memory from <a1> to <a2>
EN <a> ENter hex data to memory starting at <a>. Type / <cr> to get out
of this
TE <a1> <a2> TEst RAM from <a1> to <a2>.
TE <a1> <a2> C TEst RAM continously.
MO <a1> <a2> <a3> MOve block <a1> - <a2> to address
MO <a1> <a2> S <count> MOve <count> bytes from <a1> to
SA <name> <a1> <a2> <unit> SAve block <a1> - <a2> onto
cassette <unit> with
FI <unit> List FIles on cassette <unit>
LO <name> <unit> <address> LOad file<name> from cassette
<unit> at address
<address>. The last 2 arguments are optional
LOG <name> <unit> <address> LOad and Go file<name> as above
GO <a> GO at address (run program)
PP <parameter> Run Program Pack (ROM cartridge). If no paramenter given, do a
warm start, otherwise cold
SE <a>=<b> SEt monitor parameters :
S=XX display delay to XX
T=X Tape rate (0=1200 baud, 1 = 300 baud)
F=XX set file type. D8 == non-auto-execute. Bx = Basic programs
X=XXXX set execution address in tape file header
O=V set output to video
=P Parallel output
=L Centronics Printer
=S Tape output
=XXXX send to address
I=K set input to keyboard
=P Parallel input
=S Tape input
=XXXX read from address
CR CReate Batch file on tape unit 1
LI LIst Batch file
BA run BAtch file
OV End (OVer) of batch file. Returns control to the keyboard
Memory :
There are 2 rows of DRAM chips on the main PCB. Supported configurations are ;
2 rows of 4K chips (8K total)
Front row (only) 16K chips (16K)
2 rows of 16K chips (32K)
There are 2 jumpers at the front edge of the board (column 11). The front jumper
is fitted if there are 2 rows of RAMs in the system. The rear one is fitted for
16K rams, removed for 4K rams.
Serial interface (RH 25 pin connector)
1 : Shield 1
2 RS232 out
3 RS232 in
4 Ground
5 Aux level output to cassette 1
6,7,8 Ground
9 +12V
10 N/C
11 RS232 in
12 Motor control #1 +
12 Motor control #2 +
14 Shield 2
15 Microphone level output to cassette 1
16 microphone #2
17 Ground
18 Aux 2
19 Ground
20 Earphone input from cassette #1
21 Ear 2
22 N/C
23 RS223 out
24 Motor Control #1 -
25 Motor Control #2 -
Parallel interface (LH 25 pin connector)
1 Ground
2 Output data Accepted
3 Output data Available
4 Output D7
5 Output D6
6 Output D5
7 Output D4
8 Ground
9 Input Data Available
10 Input D0
11 Input D2
12 Input D4
13 Input D6
14 N/C
15 +5V
16 Output D0
17 Output D1
18 Output D2
19 Output D3
20 +5V
21 Input data accepted
22 Input D1
23 Input D3
24 Input D5
25 Input D7
System bus (50 pin edge connector)
1 Reset out
2 Int*
3 wait*
4 Data bus enable (into sorcerer)
5 Busrq*
6 NMI*
7 Buskack*
8 Data Bus Direction (into sorcerer)
9 ROM Enable*
10 Phi1 (clock?)
12 Reset Ack
13 Phi2 (clock out)
14 Up8K
15 Mreq*
16 M1*
17 Rd*
18 iorq*
19 rfsh*
20 wr*
21 A8
22 halt*
23 A10
24 A9
25 A15
26 A11
27 A13
28 A14
29 A0
30 A12
31 A2
32 A1
33 A4
34 A3
35 A6
36 A5
37 D0
38 A7
39 D2
40 D1
41 D4
42 D3
43 D6
44 D5
45 Reset input
46 D7
47 N/C
48 I/O
49 Ground
50 Ground
ROMpack slot
1 A7
2 A6
3 A5
4 A4
5 A3
6 A2
7 A1
8 A0
9 A9
10 A8
11 D0
12 D1
13 D2
14 D3
15 D4
16 D5
17 D6
18 D7
19 A11
20 A10
21 RomDIS
22 A14
24 A12
25 A13
26 +12V
27 -5V
28 N/C
29 +5V
30 Gnd
Centronics printer cable
Sorcerer Printer Signal
1 19-30 Ground
2 10 Ack
4 1 Stb
5 8 D6
6 7 D5
7 6 D4
8 19-30 Ground
16 2 D0
17 3 D1
18 4 D2
19 5 D3
25 11 Busy
9 D7 (Unused - maybe tie to ground - ARD)
Serial cable :
This was a 'hydra' cable with a DB25 to fit the sorcerer, 8 jack/phone plugs
for the cassette recorders and a DB25 serial connector. I'll try to give the
Sorcerer Device
RS232 port
2 DB25/2 (TxD)
7 DB25/7 (Ground)
3 DB25/3 (RxD)
8 DB25/8 (Ground)
Tape 1 : (Mic, Aux, Ear 3.5mm (mini) phone plugs, Remote 2.5mm (submini) phone
15 Mic plug tip
1 Mic plug sleeve
5 Aux plug tip
4 Aux plug sleeve
20 Ear plug tip
19 Ear plug sleeve
24 Remote plug tip
12 Remote plug sleeve
The remote connections are swapped for some recorders
Tape 2 (Notes as above)
16 Mic plug tip
14 Mic plug sleeve
18 Aux plug tip
17 Aux plug sleeve
21 Ear plug tip
6 Ear plug sleeve
25 Remote plug tip
13 Remote plug sleeve
I seem to remeber that something was asked about the PSU. According to my
manual, the PSU was mostly on the main board, and used 3 off 3-terminal
regulators for the +5V, +12V and -5V lines. If these are present, then the
external (to the PCB) part of the PSU is simply a mains transformer giving 16V
C/T and (probably) 16V). But if you don't have these regulators, let me know,
and I'll try to figure out what is going on.
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