* Is there a service manual on-line for this machine?
Any suggestions on
where to get one? I want things like connector pinouts (to see if there's a
power-fail line, or some such, and what it's expected to be), expected PS
voltages, things like that.
There is a service manual (two IIRC - one for the VLC and one for the
VLC and 4000-60 combined). The PSU is an H7109-00.
3) now, left power-on, the 8 LED's are on most of
the time. Occasionally,
All LEDs on is listed as "Power applied but no instruction run".
If it always did this then the CPU system would be suspect (which
is not really terribly good ...). However, given the symptoms described,
I'd agree with the other posters who suspect a PSU issue.