Subject: RE: State of the art
From: "Gil Carrick" <gilcarrick at>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 21:43:01 -0500
To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'" <cctalk
For several years Don Lancaster wrote a column in Computer Shopper extolling
the virtues of PostScript as a programming language. I didn't have the
impression that he was touting the printer as a coprocessor as much as he
was pointing out that since ps qualified as a general purpose programming
language you could do some amazing things with it inside the printer. Not
being heavily into graphics I didn't follow it closely.
Being close or atleast based on Forth stack language it was fun to use the
uVAX in the laps 40 to do things like process and print calculated results.
My favorite was a print job that stayed resident and printed pages as 2up
as a paper saver. Another like that counted pages used since loading.