From: THETechnoid(a) <THETechnoid(a)>
When you run a win3x application under 9x, the entire
reverts to cooperative which not a nice thing to do
even to windos.
all win3x apps share the same space, one crashes, all
can crash because
Actually I run Paradox/DOSV4.5 under win95 and if you set things up right
it can run protected dos space and the cooperative multitasking is only
within that virtual dos window. It's a bigger probem that it tried to
to the printer directly and Windows blocks on that if the setup is not
exactly right.
As pertains to running windows programs, OS/2 does
preemption' in a way. If you want to run a win3x application, you can
either run it entirely in it's own, protected memory space (seamless),
in a shared, protected space (shared between several
win3x apps together
in the same space). In the first mode, if a seamless 3x app crashes, it
affects only it's own space. If an app running in shared space crashes,
it can crash all it's buddies sharing it's memory.
NT4 also has this and it works well. BUT, you have to watch as some dos
programs may try to share a file and you can get file locking problems.
OS/2 does not run Windows apps, it runs Windows. You
can run as many as
240 copies of Windows 3.11 with as many apps each as each can support.
Keep the education going.
I don't think there is another operating system out
there that is NEARLY
so flexible in supporting the multitasking of instances of other
systems. In addition, each individual session can be
customized by
altering any of 75 provided settings for it such as priority, hardware
access, XMS and EMS and DPMI memory sizes, video refresh, and on and on
and on. Adjusting a setting in one dosbox affects only that box.
Its clear that NTs dos support is based on OS/2s.
Just for curiousity I've got a OS/2 Warp V3 kit including the bonus pack.
What would it take to get networking going (TCP/IP prefered)?
Also what later versions can be purchased and approximate cost?