> First, I noticed on the Apple ][e computers there were two slightly
> different keyboards. On a few, the icon on the Apple key was larger
> that on the rest of the computers. Is this one
way to identify early
What about the little 'enhanced' LED?
According to the technical manual, the easiest way to tell the original
//e from the enhanced //e is to power it up with a monitor connected
An original //e displays 'Apple ][' while an enchanced one display
'Apple //e'. There is also an extended keybaord versions with a
numeric keypad, but spotting that one is trivial.
There is no mention in this manual of a difference in the 'Apple' key.
> Finally, I haven't checked the drives but are there common problems I
look for when
I start checking out the drives?
Mechanical problems. I've never had an electronic failure on a Disk ][
and I don't see why the //e drives would be any different.
Mostly : Head alighment (Apple's trick of missing out the track0 sensor
saved a few parts but is hard on the positioner), drive belt (on
belt-driven drives, like the Disk ][, dirty heads.
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