Arfon Gryffydd <arfonrg(a)> wrote:
Back to On-topic... How about the HP2100 emulators...
Anyone know how to
get it to work?
OK, if you go to will find the sources for the simulator and some other bits.
e21.c is the simulator core. ttyaccess.c is a file lifted from
Doug Jones' PDP-8 simulator. They get compiled and linked together
to make the simulator, e21.
hpasm.c is source for an HP21xx cross-assembler. I haven't done anything
with this.
chkasm.c is source for a program that checks an HP21xx absolute binary
tape to make sure it is OK with its checksums. I haven't done
anything with this either.
Turns out Jeff did most of his development work under MS-DOS, and
I think it probably works best there. I don't know what C compiler
he used for MS-DOS.
For Un*x, there is the file mkunix which contains commands to compile
this stuff. It's not exactly a shell script but may be used as
standard input to a shell.
Building e21 under FreeBSD requires that you remove -DTERMIOS, and you will
then notice that the simulator's prompts are wacky because it puts the tty
from which it is run into raw mode and leaves it that
way. I have some
patches that make it switch the tty back and forth as needed but
introduce another bug, namely the simulator exits when the simulated 21xx
halts. Oops.
OK, so now supposing you've got it built, go get something else:
That's an absolute paper tape image for a single-user standalone
BASIC interpreter that will work with the simulator.
Now run e21, tell it to LOAD basic1.abs, and then to RUN. Case is
important for the simulator's commands. That should get you running
the standalone BASIC. Fun, huh?
When you get tired of this, type BYE to the BASIC interpreter, and it
should drop you back to the simulator's U2100> command prompt. Q will
exit the simulator.
-Frank McConnell