Subject: Re: CUBIX/6809 updates
From: woodelf <bfranchuk at>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 21:29:00 -0700
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
No way that would work, as I don't have a TTL level monitor here, or a
real keyboard...
So unfornturnate, no material to build with.
Just PC stuff! I still not figured out the terminal
design yet, but it
would have 3 over laping
You could use a PC for a terminal
displays ... lowest level -- some sort of graphic
display -- say 8 grey
or 8 colors -- 3 dots per
byte. Second level -- User Ascii with fixed colors and transparentcy.
Third level -- System Ascii
and borders and cursor pointers.
Thats one way and likely the most complex hardware intense.