Wow!!! I think
I just smoked the power distribution unit on the RL02
rack, but I just booted RT-11 V4 on the PDP-11/44! It is Alive!!!
Good! Why do you say you smoked the power distribution box? Is it
buzzing loudly, by any chance? This is usually a sign of a bad
capacitor in the relay/contactor power supply, and is easily repaired.
No, it's really wierd. I smelled smoke, at which point I started worrying,
and then realized the RL02 wasn't spun up, so I figured that was it. Then
I noticed the breaker on the back of the RL02 was tripped, so I switched it
back on, it started to spin up, and it tripped again. Plugged it into the
surge supressor, and it worked. I didn't notice any load buzzing, but then
with the way stuff is arranged at the moment for testing, I probably
wouldn't, unless it was REALLY loud.
Now that I think about it one odd thing is, if the Power Distribution Unit
does have problems it should have tripped the surge supressor, since I'd
plugged it into the surge supressor. Guess maybe I should go safety check
it, something just doesn't sound right. At least I remember that much
about checking out electrical equipment.
Oh, feel free to call my troubleshooting proceedures last night crazy (I
realize it was pretty stupid), but I figured any damage was already done.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh(a) (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh(a) (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |